Michael Davids Beiträge Gast Private Nachricht senden |
Veröffentlicht 03.12.2004, 13:24 - 000 - in "Japanese crane rental in Kyoto?" - [104]
Dear Sirs, Do you know a crane rental in Kyoto, Japan. We need to rent a crane in the range of 120 tons for approx 10 days. Can you help? Thank you. Michael |
(Gast) |
TDKv Dienstleister für Kranvermieter aus Detmold 1101 Beiträge Admin Private Nachricht senden |
Veröffentlicht 06.12.2004, 11:58 - 001 - in "Japanese crane rental in Kyoto?" - [105]
Good morning Michael, For your cranejob in Kyoto please contact Nihon salvage service 601-8347 Kyoto Phone: +81 / 75 / 6628881 Hope this answer will help you. ___ Carsten Thevessen