Vicente Garcia Beiträge Gast Private Nachricht senden |
Veröffentlicht 03.01.2005, 16:19 - 000 - in "Who knows gruas rentals in Medellin, Colombia?" - [128]
We have to hire a crane for the loading of some trucks. This is in Medellin in the state of Colombia in South-America. A little crane for 20 tons is enough for our use. Who can tell us a company for this purpose? Awaiting your answers. Vicente Garcia |
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Jose Beiträge Gast Private Nachricht senden |
Veröffentlicht 04.01.2005, 13:28 - 001 - in "Who knows gruas rentals in Medellin, Colombia?" - [350]
Hello Vicente, There is a company named Faismon in Medellin with a rough terrain crane from Grove. You can find pictures of the crane on their webpage Best regards José |
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